posponer to postponePresent Tense / Presente (de Indicativo)yopospongotúposponesél / Ud.posponenosotrosposponemosvosotrosposponéisellos / Uds.posponen
Other Tenses / Moods of Posponer Simple Tenses Present Tense Imperfect Tense Preterite (Past Tense) Future Tense Conditional Tense Subjunctive Tense Imperfect Subjunctive Future Subjunctive Imperative (Command) Past Participle & Gerund Compound Tenses Present Perfect Past Perfect Past Anterior (Preterite Perfect) Future Perfect Conditional Perfect Present Perfect Subjunctive Pluperfect Subjunctive Future Perfect Subjunctive
Search Terms for This Conjugation conjugate posponer in spanishel conjugation posponerel form of posponerella conjugation posponerella form of posponerellas conjugation posponerellas form of posponerellos conjugation posponerellos form of posponerforms of posponerforms of the verb posponerhow to conjugate posponernosotros conjugation posponernosotros form of posponerposponer conjugation chartposponer conjugation spanishposponer conjugationsposponer el formposponer ella formposponer ellas formposponer ellos formposponer indicativeposponer nosotros formposponer present conjugationposponer present tenseposponer present tense conjugationposponer present tense spanishposponer spanish conjugationposponer tu formposponer tú formposponer usted formposponer ustedes formposponer verb chartposponer verb conjugationposponer vosotros formposponer yo formposponer él formpresent form of posponerpresent tense forms of posponerpresent tense of posponerspanish posponer conjugationspanish verb posponertu conjugation posponertu form of posponertú conjugation posponertú form of posponerusted conjugation posponerusted form of posponerustedes conjugation posponerustedes form of posponervosotros conjugation posponervosotros form of posponeryo conjugation posponeryo form of posponerél conjugation posponerél form of posponer