matricularse to register, to enroll, to be admitted to university, to enterPresent Tense / Presente (de Indicativo)mematriculotematriculassematriculanosmatriculamososmatriculáissematriculan
Other Tenses / Moods of Matricularse Simple Tenses Present Tense Imperfect Tense Preterite (Past Tense) Future Tense Conditional Tense Subjunctive Tense Imperfect Subjunctive Future Subjunctive Imperative (Command) Past Participle & Gerund Compound Tenses Present Perfect Past Perfect Past Anterior (Preterite Perfect) Future Perfect Conditional Perfect Present Perfect Subjunctive Pluperfect Subjunctive Future Perfect Subjunctive
Search Terms for This Conjugation conjugate matricularse in spanishel conjugation matricularseel form of matricularseella conjugation matricularseella form of matricularseellas conjugation matricularseellas form of matricularseellos conjugation matricularseellos form of matricularseforms of matricularseforms of the verb matricularsehow to conjugate matricularsematricularse conjugation chartmatricularse conjugation spanishmatricularse conjugationsmatricularse el formmatricularse ella formmatricularse ellas formmatricularse ellos formmatricularse indicativematricularse nosotros formmatricularse present conjugationmatricularse present tensematricularse present tense conjugationmatricularse present tense spanishmatricularse spanish conjugationmatricularse tu formmatricularse tú formmatricularse usted formmatricularse ustedes formmatricularse verb chartmatricularse verb conjugationmatricularse vosotros formmatricularse yo formmatricularse él formnosotros conjugation matricularsenosotros form of matricularsepresent form of matricularsepresent tense forms of matricularsepresent tense of matricularsespanish matricularse conjugationspanish verb matricularsetu conjugation matricularsetu form of matricularsetú conjugation matricularsetú form of matricularseusted conjugation matricularseusted form of matricularseustedes conjugation matricularseustedes form of matricularsevosotros conjugation matricularsevosotros form of matricularseyo conjugation matricularseyo form of matricularseél conjugation matricularseél form of matricularse