cansar to tire out, to bore, to exhaustPresent Tense / Presente (de Indicativo)yocansotúcansasél / Ud.cansanosotroscansamosvosotroscansáisellos / Uds.cansan
Other Tenses / Moods of Cansar Simple Tenses Present Tense Imperfect Tense Preterite (Past Tense) Future Tense Conditional Tense Subjunctive Tense Imperfect Subjunctive Future Subjunctive Imperative (Command) Past Participle & Gerund Compound Tenses Present Perfect Past Perfect Past Anterior (Preterite Perfect) Future Perfect Conditional Perfect Present Perfect Subjunctive Pluperfect Subjunctive Future Perfect Subjunctive
Search Terms for This Conjugation cansar conjugation chartcansar conjugation spanishcansar conjugationscansar el formcansar ella formcansar ellas formcansar ellos formcansar indicativecansar nosotros formcansar present conjugationcansar present tensecansar present tense conjugationcansar present tense spanishcansar spanish conjugationcansar tu formcansar tú formcansar usted formcansar ustedes formcansar verb chartcansar verb conjugationcansar vosotros formcansar yo formcansar él formconjugate cansar in spanishel conjugation cansarel form of cansarella conjugation cansarella form of cansarellas conjugation cansarellas form of cansarellos conjugation cansarellos form of cansarforms of cansarforms of the verb cansarhow to conjugate cansarnosotros conjugation cansarnosotros form of cansarpresent form of cansarpresent tense forms of cansarpresent tense of cansarspanish cansar conjugationspanish verb cansartu conjugation cansartu form of cansartú conjugation cansartú form of cansarusted conjugation cansarusted form of cansarustedes conjugation cansarustedes form of cansarvosotros conjugation cansarvosotros form of cansaryo conjugation cansaryo form of cansarél conjugation cansarél form of cansar