honrar to honorConditional Perfect / Condicional Compuesto (Potencial Compuesto)yohabría honradotúhabrías honradoél / Ud.habría honradonosotroshabríamos honradovosotroshabríais honradoellos / Uds.habrían honrado
Other Tenses / Moods of Honrar Simple Tenses Present Tense Imperfect Tense Preterite (Past Tense) Future Tense Conditional Tense Subjunctive Tense Imperfect Subjunctive Future Subjunctive Imperative (Command) Past Participle & Gerund Compound Tenses Present Perfect Past Perfect Past Anterior (Preterite Perfect) Future Perfect Conditional Perfect Present Perfect Subjunctive Pluperfect Subjunctive Future Perfect Subjunctive